Sarra Kaufman : Actor
​As Told by the Vivian Girls
Dog and Pony Theatre
"If you see one play this month make it this one."
-Chicago Magazine
"Bottom line, this show rocks."
"Dog & Pony's stunningly ambitious, fascinating new performance piece is inspired by Darger's work, and it's appropriately expansive. Vivian Girls certainly won't be for everyone. For the explorers among us, though, the thrill of discovery is palpable, and it strikes us as something of which Darger would approve. In a play full of eureka moments, the most breathtaking is an interaction between the artist and his characters that illustrates, as well as we've ever seen, the joy of creating art."
-Time Out Chicago
"...(Dog and Pony Theatre company) ...Sarra Kaufman...created a living-breathing homage to Darger's bizarre work, bringing his fantastical world to life while embodying his astonishing imagination...The scale and execution of this undertaking was nothing less than extraordinary."
Profiles Theatre
-After Dark Award Recepient: Outstanding Ensemble
Some Girl(s) by Neil LaBute
"...Some Girl(s), now in an ideally cast Chicago premiere at Profiles Theatre (whose entire 2007-2008 season will be devoted to LaBute's work), puts the man in the hot seat of guilt."
-Chicago Sun Times - Highly Recommended
"Joe Jahraus's intensely intimate staging is solid, and...Sarra Kaufman, as the writer's high school and college [girlfriend] respectively, movingly convey the desperation and anger seething beneath [her] polite smiles."
-Chicago Reader
"The intoxicating convergence of precisely the right actor, director and playwright make Profiles' production a twisted treat of emotional heft and devious humor."
-Windy City Times